CNC Vertical Milling Machine

Components CNC Vertical Milling Machine

Milling machine is divided there are 2 types of Vertical and Horizontal orientation of the term refers to the cutting spindle. That the mean vertical position of the machine spindle and cutting direction vertical and horizontal machinery is horizontal spindle position (horizontal cutting direction). Here I will discuss CNC Vertical milling machine. I will discuss the critical components on CNC Vertical Milling Machine.

– Table machine. Vertical milling machine can move with 2 axis X and axis Y. for each axis is equipped with a servo motor which in control through the amplifier with a command from the computer with a precision movement. Also equipped with a ballscrew, bearings and linear guide. Usually use oil for lubrication, this is very important because to maintain the smoothness of movement and ballscrew will be durable. This table you can move it manually by turning the pulse generator.
– Spindle machine. This section is a spindle house, this is what set the spindle rotation axis Z. cutting moves this spindle motor is also in motion by using a timing belt as the transmission.
– Control Panel. Control Panel contains a collection of many buttons are in front of the machine that serves to give commands such as rotating spindle, to change parameters, and other programs.
– Monitor. The monitor will display the position coordinates, position the machine, parameters, diagnostics and others.
– Magazine tool. Magazine tool is to place the standby tool to be used in a single machining operation. Because in one program usually use some kind of tool. Tool exchange is performed automatically called ATC (Automatic Tool Change).
– Coolant. Coolant used for cooling at the cutting progresses, each machine is equipped with the system.

That’s the critical components on CNC Vertical Milling Machine.

Are you going to read another article CNC Vertical Machining Center or CNC Machining Centers.

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Precision CNC Machining

What Is CNC Precision Machining

Precision machining is the method used to cut the material to a high number of tolerances. CNC precision machine makes it possible for operators to cut the piece as thin as 0.005mm. The use of computerized system in the machinery makes it possible to a CNC precision tool to cut a piece into such level of thinness. That is one reason why so many companies use this technology.

More Options

Precision machines are not limited to cutting process alone. These machines can handle a lot of functions which popularly needed by metalworking or woodworking industry such as turning and milling. Precision machining also handle even much complicated industrial processes like water and laser cutting. This system is indeed versatile that many manufacturers should consider making use of CNC precision machining.


Precision machines consist of solid cutters such as Tungsten Carbide and HSS. The quality that can be obtained by the machines can differ from one to other. It depends on the perfection of the operation and the overall condition of the machine.

However, the fact that this technology has been used in many developed countries such as Japan, England, Switzerland and German, allows us to take a look at the performance done by them. Switzerland and German stand out to be best from the list as both countries have been known to be excelled in engineering.

Precise Cutting

Since the system manages to do a heavy duty job, there must be some methods that work specially for some jobs. One of the methods is water cutting. Precision machine uses this method to cut a plate of steel. Under a high pressure, the water magically becomes a sharp “knife” that cut the steel like a piece of cake. Additionally, the computerized system makes the cutting so accurate which seems to hardly obtain by traditional cutting method.

CNC precision machining is indeed a high tech breakthrough that it is reasonable if the price is slightly high. Before you purchase one, it is better to study the need of your company while assessing whether or not the system will give you more benefits in the long run.

CNC Screw Machine

CNC Screw Machine: Uses And Maintenance

CNC screw machine is a great relief for manufacturers with a load of production volume of metalworking. This machine is able to cut a piece of material without the need to turn the movement around. Unlike traditional screw machines, CNC screw machine does not require any additional staff to handle it.


Actually, CNC screw machine can be used in many working areas where you need to tighten as many bolts and nuts. This does not need to be metalworking or woodworking companies alone, though. Credits have been received from many American manufacturers to the CNC screw machine technology as it is such a great help to their businesses. One of the praises mentioned the machine as the predecessor of contemporary equipments.

This statement seems to come from the fact that you need to have the bolts and nuts fastened; hence comes the need to make use of this machine. The function conducted by the machine is such simple and basic task yet will take much time and effort if they should be done manually by human force.


A high frequently used screw machine will show wears and tears over years of usages. Think about a mass production industry using their machines the whole day and night. The more the manufacturing machines work, the more CNC screw machine should get down for them. Therefore, a proper maintenance is the rule of the thumb if you wish to have this machine remains intact over decades.

Used CNC screw machines may need more maintenance that you should be careful in caring for them. Right usage and well maintenance will ensure the used machine to perform properly just like those new ones.

After years of manual bolts fastening, finally there came a machine which helped people from doing overtiring work. As much improvement is made in CNC screw machines that allows people to shift the job to the computer.

3 Axis CNC Machine

3 Axis CNC Machine Vs. 2.5 Axis CNC Machine

3 axis cnc machine 3 Axis CNC Machine

Considering the number of axes being used, there are several types of CNC machines. One of them is 3 Axis CNC machine. As the name suggests, this machine has three axes. What makes you surprise is perhaps the fact that the number of axes is as many as those in a 2.5 axis machine. Indeed, a 2.5 axis machine also has three moving axes yet the difference is that the third axis cannot move together with the two.

3D Full Feature

In another definition, a 3 axis CNC machine commonly has a full feature of 3D while 2.5D machine is a kind of machine that uses 2D drawing for 3D material. In 2.5D, you just simply put the information about thickness in the software so that the machine can cut the material in 3D manner. So to say, with 2.5 axis CNC machine you are only capable of viewing the angles from two points while with 3 axis machine, one more angle can be accessed.

Concurrent Process 3 axis CNC machine

Designing and cutting happen simultaneously in a 3 axis CNC machine as it works on X, Y, and Z axes. The tip of the cutter will follow the path of 3D curves which have been determined in the program. This enables the machine to make a fine cut of a complicated pattern on a piece of material.

On the other hand, a 2.5 D machine can produce similar items but in much different way, like a v-carving method. This method allows the machine to create a 3D result yet the designing is supposed to be done in 2.5D. The best news is 2.5D designs have relatively lower price than 3Ds. Therefore, this type of machine can be chosen in case of you are on a budget.

Choosing which type of CNC machine suits you depends on the urgency and the budget available. If you think that you can manage with 2D drawing and v-carving method, your plan to buy a 3 axis CNC machine can be postponed.

Plasma CNC Machine

Knowing The Parts Of Plasma CNC Machine

Plasma CNC machine is known as a tool which can cut a piece of material in a unique manner, i.e. using plasma. It is controlled by a computer program which allows the work to be done in much accurate way. To figure out how the machine is able to conduct the task well, check the features below.

Plasma Cutter

The first part of plasma CNC machine is the plasma cutter. The tip of the torch works similarly to those of hand held cutting machines. The nozzle of the cutter functions to direct cutting gas, shielding gas, electrode, and the plasma. Although the plasma cutter should manage to function in three dimensions, most devices work in two dimensions (X and Y).

Table Plasma CNC Machine

The table is a surface where a piece of material will be put on for cutting. The table is commonly made of steel with a grate that functions to hold the material. Most types of tables are modular because there will be a regular replacement for them.


This part of plasma CNC machine is made of two arms that move concurrently. Both arms are moved by a motor. The input of the CNC, however, can move the tip along with any shape programmed. This enables the cutter to carve various kinds of patterns, from the simplest lines to much complicated design.


The computer of the machine consists of a microprocessor, data storage and memory. This is just as similar as those found in any basic computer. However, there is a CNC program that functions to determine the shapes of cutting.

CNC program is also called as the design. The design is scanned to the computer then with a help of specific language program, it is changed into something that can be fed to the CNC program.

By knowing the elements of plasma CNC machine, the user or operator will have a sharpened knowledge about the machine so that he can better use the device.

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CNC Milling Machines
3 Axis CNC Machine
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5 Axis CNC Milling Machine

Setting Up CNC Milling Machines

Maintaining the condition of a CNC milling machines is important to prevent it from making erroneous jobs. For this reason, a setup should be carried out. With a proper setup, the machine will run well and keep the tool from damage. Follow this instruction below to start the setup.

  • Clean the table to free it from rust and debris. You may use a grit stone to do the cleaning so that the dirt can be easily removed. Continue the cleaning process to the shots of T-holder.
  • Put down the vise then secure with bolts. Tighten the bolts then use and indicator to straighten the vises.
  • Slot in each tool into collets then secure them. Please ensure that the tool is tight on its place otherwise they will slip and fall; which may cause damage to the material.
  • Put the collets into the changer of the tool. Some models of CNC milling machines require you to slot it the collets individually while others do not. You many need to read at the manual of the machine.
  • Check to indicate whether the machine “knows” where it ends. This is to ensure the machine to make a proper cut. CNC machines commonly make use of a probe to do this job. The process goes on like this; the machine moves lower, touches the probe then send the information to the computer.
  • Move the spindle to the zero point then start the machine again on both axes (X and Y). Next, get the Z point by lowering the spindle to the top of material. This point will be used as guidance in cutting the materials.

By setting up the CNC milling machines, you can ensure it works well throughout the years. You will have to do the setup more frequent if the machine is burdened by a load of work each day.

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5 Axis CNC Milling Machine

Benefits And Pitfalls Of 5 Axis CNC Milling Machine

Working for detailed precision, 5 axis CNC milling machine was made to comply with the demand of many industries in making complicated pattern. Unlike 3D machine which works on three axis of movement, 5 axis machine makes it possible to run around 5 different axis. The price of the machine is quite high, hence, before you decide to buy it; it is best to consider several things below.


The 5 axis CNC milling machine offers more efficiency and accuracy. The machine is capable of cutting from both sides at the same time. You only need to put a special program on the computer then let the machine operates by itself. Thus, except an operator or a supervisor, there is no need to hire an additional worker. Even if you have already used personal robotics system (PRS), a manual operation can be eliminated.

Using 5 axis CNC milling machine, you can create or cut the material into complex shapes in much easier way. That is the reason why this machine has been widely used by aerospace industry.


Since this machine works with five different axis, the programming will be more complicated. In addition, this type of machine has a limited option of performance; perhaps because it’s focusing on the broadness of the view.

On the other hand, the machine is tagged at an expensive price that you must really learn whether you really need to buy it. In case that a 3D machine has been doing fine, there is no need to go for a 5 axis machine. Instead of buying this machine, you may only need to change the program or make a few adjustments to the existing machine.

When you have to buy a 5 axis CNC milling machine, it is better to ask yourself a few questions about the space required to place the machine, what kind of software you need, and et cetera. This will help you make a wise decision for the company.

Fanuc Robodrill CNC Vertical Machine

Step By Step Edit / Add Ladder Diagram Fanuc Robodrill CNC Vertical Machine.

Do you want to add / edit the ladder diagram on your Fanuc Robodrill CNC Vertical Machine? you can add the engine accessories, such as conveyor coolant or coolant with automatic water filling. Below I provide the steps.

1. Press the emergency stop button.

2. Mode MDI set PWE = 1

3. Next  SYSTEM >>> PMC PRM >> SETTING :

Set Write to F-ROM edit 0 to 1

Set RAM write enable 0 to 1

4. Back  SYSTEM >>> PMC LAD >> choice CUSTOM to add / edit ladder due to GLOBAL can not we edit.

5. To start editing ladder diagrams CNC Vertical Machine Fanuc Robodrill press the EDIT soft key. In this menu you can modify to your liking ladder. If you want to create a new press CREATE

6. After you finish creating ladder diagrams do not forget to press the UPDATE and then pops up “are you sure running PMC You Want to update the program you select YES. Appears “UPDATE SUCCESED” then you press the left soft key, appears “Do you Want To write the program into the flash ROM?” Select YES. If you select NO when the machine on which you turn off the ladder diagram editing will be lost.

7. After you finish creating ladder diagrams do not forget to PWE you set to “0″

Do you want to read my other article? Servo Motor Basics System or Fanuc Alarm List.

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CNC Lathe Machine

What Is CNC Lathe Machine

CNC lathe machine is a tool which functions to cut or grind wood or metal into certain shapes or forms. CNC is abbreviated form of Computer Numerical Control, which defines this type of machine from that of the regular, non-computerized, ones. CNC lathe machine are made to make the work faster, have a better precision, as well as reduce the number of injury.


John T. Parsons is named as the person who found CNC machining in 1940s. The work was developed in collaboration with MIT. CNC lathe machines thus replaced the use of numerical (NC) machines in metalworking industry. It is said that Parsons’ work is made to order by the U.S. Air Force that aimed to create a cost-effective tool for making convoluted aircraft parts.


CNC lathe machine were improved in 1972 when these devices have gained much attention from public. The improvement deals with the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Machining (CAM). Not until the year of 1976 the enhanced system of the machine, namely 3D CAD/CAM, was released. Since then, these machines were considered as a standard.


CNC lathe machines mainly consist of 12 holders and coolant pumps which function to cool down the machine so that premature wear can be prevented. To make a precise cut, this machine uses tools that can be indexed and a computer program that will work with the most intricate work. Both things cannot be achieved through using conventional lathe machines.

On the other hand, you can find basic control specifications of a lathe machine in CNC lathes. These machines are also capable of reading G code and many programming languages.

Since the first time the idea of CNC lathe machine appeared, continuous attempts have been made to increase the ability of the machine. And these days, as IT industry keep growing and improving, there is a chance that the machine will be always updated.

Fanuc Alarm List

Fanuc Alarm List Series 16/18/21

Sometimes if we’re CNC Machine there is a problem we will certainly be looking for manual book and look for the alarm list, if the manual book if not we will see the old look. It was the location of the bookcase away from the machine. For that I make a list of series 16/18/21 Fanuc alarms so that our analysis quickly in the face of our CNC machining alarm problem. See below:

Alarm 0-999: Fanuc alarm, the alarm if above 1000 maker / machinist / machine tool builder.

Alarm 0-250: programs / settings.

Alarm 300 ~: Pulse Coder, servo, interface, cables.

Alarm 400 ~: SVM, Motor, cable, and mechanics.

Alarm 500 ~ : Over travel.

Alarm 7n01 – 99: Spindle motor problems, SPM, Cable, Mechanical, cutting weight.
Alarm 9n01 – 99:  Same as above.

Alarm 900-975: the problem is on the motherboard. With friends. (CPU cards, Axis cards, SRAM, DRAM)

That’s it from me hopefully to be made like it was easier and help in dealing with CNC machining alarm us.

You may be reading other articles cnc vertical milling machine or cnc vertical machining center.

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